Friday, May 20, 2011

Breaking the Champagne Bottle on this Yaht...

Why? Well I started this blog because, I guess, I'm tired of doing my ranting and raving on Facebook! LOL....

Who? Chawn (Shawn). You're average 26 yr old.Dealing with the daily stress of life, love, laughing, and trying to learn from it all. I'm a Sagittarius and I display mostly every characteristic. Impulsive, emotional, hot headed, funny, personable, That's me... C! Stuck in the mind set of a 23 yr old waking up after the party ended and everyone is gone leaving me to clean up after everyone.

What? Well here's a rundown  going on now. Went back to school, which I discovered is not an easy task at a later age. Mostly because I feel like a fish out of order. These kids are talking about finally being out of their parents house, or the wanting to; and it's like I've been on my own for yrs. They don't know who they are and they don't know that they don't know that yet where as I know I don't know what the hell I'm doing but I think I have a idea as to who the hell is living in this body I'm lugging around. But the best part of it all is that I'm comfortable enough to admit it and I'm comfortable eough with that admission.

Relationship: Well this is pretty funny. I'm in a "relationship" with a commitment-phob guy who I've been friends with for 2 yrs. We used to date for a little bit then we lost contact and when we regained it we just spoke daily (no lie daily) for some years. We hadn't seen one another since I moved but we were comfortable with our phone conversations. Romance and a wanting one another was there but it seemed like a no win. I went to visit him in March and cried the entire plane ride home (so sappy) and that's when I realized I wanted more btween us, he seemed to as well. The next month he came to see me and again the departure was hard. I know he's a huge commitment-phob so I don't pressure him too much about things. Ijust kind of keep it how its been only difference is we're committed now. It's hard this long distance thing but I love him, he's a big kid like muah. But sometimes I feel like he's in this "relationship" because I wanted it...... We'll see

Family: I'm the 3rd of 4 kids, 2 girls before me so hand me downs were my friends. My sisters grew up in the 80s, me in the 90s, so their clothes weren't exactly welcomed with open arms. Anyway grew up with my mom and grandma, met my dad at 21, kinda wish I didn't look for his crazy ass.... And I'm a mom to a 10 yr old and 4 yr old. But lucky for me I still live the life a 23 yr old single girl watching Sex and the City on dvd... LOL...

Where? Originally from Brooklyn, NY I moved to my dream city of Charlotte, NC but the economy tanked and now I'm outside of Baltimore and I hate it.... But that's a story for another post.

How? Sitting on my couch using my netbook... LOL (Had to finish the sequence)

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